In The Works: Sákbe Roads!

Here’s a photo of the prototype of our upcoming Sákbe road model. You’ll print out an 8-piece pattern, and use it to cut out the parts from a standard foamcore sheet. The whole process takes about half an hour. In the final version the pattern pieces with have a full-color texture – so you’ll glue them to the foamcore before cutting them out. The result is wonderfully sturdy, and looks great on the tabletop!


And here’s a finished example! The pattern pieces are printed in color on standard 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper, then glued to black foamcore before cutting. We’re very pleased with the results! Next we need to write up the instructions, and submit the final product to the Tekumel Foundation for approval. The kit should be available for download from RPGNow within a month.
