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Author Topic: DeviantArt Kurt Hills + Katalal maps order
Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 14
Post DeviantArt Kurt Hills + Katalal maps order
on: June 5, 2017, 10:32

Hi all,

The matter I'm about to discuss has not been resolved at the time of my writing these words, but I thought of mentioning it here, in case other people are considering using the DeviantArt services.

So, the issue: I've tried, now 8 times (?!), to purchase the Kurt Hills and Katalal maps via the DeviantArt store. And each time, my payment method (credit card or paypal) either "failed" or was "declined".
Like most people, I make regular purchases on-line, via a variety of websites. I have never encountered such repeated problems. In fact, using the DeviantArt store has been the worst one-line ordering experience I've ever experienced.

Of course, I've contacted DeviantArt support and only managed to get through once (which lead nowhere). Otherwise, my many (courteous) messages, sent via their on-site form or via direct email, have remained unanswered.

I'm not sure what to do at this point other than create a new profile and try again. But I thought of mentioning this sad story here, in case people have had better luck or in case they've encountered similar problems.

And Jeff, I think you should know too, obviously.

If and when things finally work out, I'll come back here to mention it and describe what I did to make it work!

- Alex

Posts: 427
Post Re: DeviantArt Kurt Hills + Katalal maps order
on: June 8, 2017, 10:15

Sorry about the hassle, Alex. I did a little web searching, and found a small number of posts by other people experiencing similar problems, going back over several years. The only responses from DeviantArt that I could find, which might be relevant, are posted on their FAQ here:

Hope that helps!

Posts: 427
Post Re: DeviantArt Kurt Hills + Katalal maps order
on: June 8, 2017, 10:18

If you want, go ahead and PayPal the purchase and shipping amount to:

Include your shipping address, and *we* will order your prints for you. They've never had a problem with our credit card.


Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 14
Post Re: DeviantArt Kurt Hills + Katalal maps order
on: June 11, 2017, 06:04

Thank you very much for the offer, Jeff, but I finally managed to make it work. The two maps are now on their way.

The reason why my first attempts failed is, I think (I have no confirmation from DeviantArt about any of the following, since they don't communicate well at all), because I use a VPN service.
As a result, when I attempted to purchase the maps the first time around, I did so with a UK based credit card but from behind an IP address located in a country other than the UK. The purchase attempt failed and DeviantArt probably flagged my card number as problematic, which is probably why all my later purchase attempts failed too (these were made without using my VPN service) .

Having been left in the dark by the DeviantArt customer service, the last option I had to solve this issue was to start from scratch, with a new email address, a new account, and a new credit card. And that's what I did.
Not using my VPN service, I created a new DeviantArt customer account, linked it to a completely new email address (I have a feeling my regular email address has been flagged by DeviantArt) with which I made the purchase, using my girlfriend's card. And it worked! The two maps have been dispatched.

So there. DeviantArt seems to be very sensitive to VPN services. And when something doesn't quite compute on their end once, well, you're screwed for the rest of the time. Just start over, from scratch.

Anyway, I look forward to the maps ... and the Kurt Hills guide, which is bound to be splendid, as soon as the Foundation finally (!) gives you the green light to go ahead with it.

Thanks again for your replies.

- Alex

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