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Author Topic: Glyph of Present Defense?
Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 9
Post Glyph of Present Defense?
on: December 22, 2019, 04:38

I was browsing through the Ksarul section of Mitlanyal recently, as I'm planning a scenario involving Ksarul worshippers, and noticed that one of their magical artifacts was the Glyph of Present Defense.

Presumably as this is a common item used by Priests of Change it would worth constructing such an item for use in my game. Checking in the Book of Ebon Bindings I find a picture of the Glyph on page vi. BoEB also mentions the use of the Glyph being drawn as protection during the summoning of various demons.

Based on the limited information it would seem to be both a physical item providing some sort of bonus against Sorcery or demon attacks and an inscribed glyph providing similar protection.

The inscribing of the glyph when summoning is surely part of the Rituals and I would place it under the advanced theology (+7) or inner doctrines (+8) sections. Producing a physical glyph is easier as it could be cast in a mold, enamelled and polished by craftsmen and would rely on the wielder's faith to provide protection.

Provided only to approved Priests of Change and providing a -2 bonus against Sorcery castings that directly attack or affect the Priest after they have made a Will check of their belief.

Posts: 427
Post Re: Glyph of Present Defense?
on: December 22, 2019, 10:25

Cool idea, thanks Nigel!

Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 9
Post Re: Glyph of Present Defense?
on: December 24, 2019, 05:55

I shall spend some time over the Yuletide period perusing Mitlanyal for more items like this to enhance my game. No doubt other Temples have similar items specific to either Stability or a specific Temple that provides a benefit that PC's might wish to acquire.

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