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Author Topic: Increasing human PCs danger rating
Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 9
Post Increasing human PCs danger rating
on: July 31, 2020, 13:51

Anyone got a formula or chart to determine how much I should increase the party's Danger Rating to provide a tense fight?
"approximately 1 per PC at the start of the campaign, growing quickly over the first few episodes and then advancing more slowly as the characters mature" is what the rules suggest but no real guidance for any increase.

Posts: 427
Post Re: Increasing human PCs danger rating
on: January 3, 2021, 15:51

There's no formula for it in the game, because it depends greatly on how the characters are built - and that's extremely difficult to quantify, because they have so many options to choose from. The expectation is that GMs will be intimately familiar with how their players' characters have handled themselves in previous encounters, and draw a sense of their advancing power level from that.


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