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Author Topic: Skill Specialisation
Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 40
Post Skill Specialisation
on: June 30, 2023, 16:22

This may be an odd question - many skills mention taking a specialisation.

However I can't find where the effect of this is defined anywhere (and yes, when searching I did spell it with a Z!).

Does it mean that you have to take the skill several times if you want different specialisations?

(I recently excavated my copy of Bethorm and have been re-reading it!)

Posts: 427
Post Re: Skill Specialisation
on: October 11, 2023, 12:03

Yes, each specialization is a separate purchase of the skill. Some skills say that if you learn any one specialization then you can practice all other specializations without the unskilled penalty. Hope that helps.

-Jeff Dee

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