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Author Topic: Real World / Tsolyanu Calendar Conversion
Posts: 427
Post Real World / Tsolyanu Calendar Conversion
on: July 4, 2014, 13:48

When Empire of the Petal Throne was published in 1975, Prof. Barker said it was the year 2354 A.S.

When the Mitlanyal books were published in 2004, the most recent date given was Mirusiya's ascension (2369 A.S.).

So in 29 real-world years, approximately 15 years passed on Tekumel. And there may be a rounding error going on.

Thus, I propose that 2 real-world years = 1 Tsolyani year. (I know that a year on Tekumel is actually *identical* to an Earth year, because terraforming. What I mean is that half a year's worth of stuff happens on Tekumel for each year that we write or game about it in real life).

Furthermore, I propose the following formula to determine what year it is on Tekumel: (real-world year / 2)+1367 = Tsolyani year.

That formula produces results matching the Tsolyani years and publishing dates of EPT and Mitlanyal. And according to that formula, it is now the year 2374 on Tekumel.

What do you think, folks?


Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 4
Post Re: Real World / Tsolyanu Calendar Conversion
on: July 4, 2014, 14:33

Personally, I like to give every GM a chance to run a campaign setting in the original timeframe, so that they and their players can play through the pivotal moments in history. And, I like to allow that groups should have the option of playing through their own timeline, regardless of the publisher's plans for the setting's future. For my own campaign, I started a few months after the ascension of Hirkane, so that my low-level players can have a chance to become somebody before the intrigue reaches a head. Which prince I allow to succeed Hirkane, well, I don't know yet. That will depend on who my players ally themselves with. Now I know that there are some campaign settings where the publishers gradually advance the "current" year. And that there are some folks who like that. I would propose that any published materials be set in a "neutral" timeframe that allows groups at any point to use them without heavy modification. All just my own opinion, of course.

Posts: 427
Post Re: Real World / Tsolyanu Calendar Conversion
on: July 6, 2014, 10:35

I'm not suggesting any limitation on the individual GM's freedom to set their campaign wherever they wish on the timeline, and in fact that option is explicitly discussed in Bethorm.

Nevertheless, it's essentially impossible not to at least *imply* the 'current' date on Tekumel, if one talks about its history at all, because one has to stop somewhere. Prof. Barker himself didn't hesitate to announce the current date on the Tsolyani calendar in each of his games.


Dlántü (Clan-Head)
Posts: 133
Post Re: Real World / Tsolyanu Calendar Conversion
on: July 6, 2014, 22:51

Seems OK to me. I find it hard to imagine changing the length of a year by terra-forming. The planet would have to change its orbital distance from its star. Now, if they had Spindizzies...

Posts: 427
Post Re: Real World / Tsolyanu Calendar Conversion
on: July 8, 2014, 02:11

They had super cosmic mega-science. OF COURSE they changed the planet's orbital distance. And the natives hate the humans for it to this very day.


Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 33
Post Re: Real World / Tsolyanu Calendar Conversion
on: July 9, 2014, 16:16

There is so much in the way of world events that is both explicit and implicit in the many different publications that have come out over the years that you can take them and use them as background in your own version of Tekumel. And then there is the fun of deviating from the Tekumel Prime time line in some small but significant way and seeing where it goes.

Dlántü (Clan-Head)
Posts: 133
Post Re: Real World / Tsolyanu Calendar Conversion
on: July 23, 2014, 08:51

Of course. All they had to do was strap some Spindizzies to the planet and there they went! Silly me. /wink/

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