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Summary - jeffdee
Name: Jeff Dee
Registered: August 21, 2012, 17:16
Posts: 427
Position: Administrator
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Biographical Info:

Jeff Dee has worked in the gaming industry for over 25 years. His artwork has appeared in numerous games and magazines, including TSR's Deities and Demigods (as well as many AD&D modules and other early TSR products), Villains & Vigilantes from Fantasy Games Unlimited, adventures for the Star Wars RPG from West End Games, and others. He co-designed Villains & Vigilantes, TWERPS (The World's Easiest Role-Playing System) from Gamescience, and Pocket Universe from UNIgames. Jeff has also worked in the computer games industry on games such as Ultima VI, Master of Orion, Master of Magic, and Wing Commander. He was the art director on Ultima VII, and the lead game designer on The Sims: Castaway Stories.

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