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Author Topic: Bethorm: Plane of Tekumel RPG Progress Reports
Posts: 427
Post Re: Bethorm: Plane of Tekumel RPG Progress Reports
on: November 20, 2014, 03:52

The last 20 boxes are all packed up for shipping. Whew!

That just leaves 3 custom drawings that I still need to do, and of course there are a few more digital files to finish & distribute (the remaining underworld creature paper minis, the 2 adventures...). But the hardest part is done.


Dlántü (Clan-Head)
Posts: 133
Post Re: Bethorm: Plane of Tekumel RPG Progress Reports
on: November 20, 2014, 19:17

I can understand a reluctance to try to predict when one might receive their book. Might you be willing to confirm or deny whether my book has yet shipped?

Thank you.

Posts: 427
Post Re: Bethorm: Plane of Tekumel RPG Progress Reports
on: November 21, 2014, 19:11

ALL of the remaining books shipped this afternoon, Luther 🙂


Dlántü (Clan-Head)
Posts: 133
Post Re: Bethorm: Plane of Tekumel RPG Progress Reports
on: November 22, 2014, 08:55

Thank you!

Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 27
Post Re: Bethorm: Plane of Tekumel RPG Progress Reports
on: November 30, 2014, 10:03

Just ordered a hardcover copy from Can't wait it to arrive.

Dlántü (Clan-Head)
Posts: 133
Post Re: Bethorm: Plane of Tekumel RPG Progress Reports
on: December 1, 2014, 11:10

I've been reading the physical book. I hope you will add to your second edition/printing two things: an over-all index and a table of spells that indicates to what cult they belong, etc.

The spell descriptions are good, but a one-stop place to get a general overview of them would be very nice. I've appreciated such tables in Pathfinder and others.

I don't understand how folks publishing a rpg rules book don't include an index. If there is one thing I keep seeing fans cry out for in RPG rules books, that don't have them, it is an index. Maybe next time.

Posts: 427
Post Re: Bethorm: Plane of Tekumel RPG Progress Reports
on: December 4, 2014, 01:04

Thanks for the feedback, Luther!


Dlántü (Clan-Head)
Posts: 133
Post Re: Bethorm: Plane of Tekumel RPG Progress Reports
on: December 4, 2014, 06:40

You are welcome, sir!

And, I regret the tone of frustration in my comment about the index. I can understand that they are time-consuming to create. Sometimes difficult choices have to be made to meet deadlines. I do wish the book had an index, though.

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