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Author Topic: some questions and a few bits of errata
Posts: 427
Post Re: some questions and a few bits of errata
on: May 18, 2015, 16:40

Thanks, John!

There *are* cattle on Tekumel. We didn't include stats, but then there's a lot of mundane animals that we didn't happen to include. We probably should have included Hma and Hmelu on the list under the Animal Handling skill, but then again that list was meant to show examples, and not to be absolutely comprehensive. Feel free to make up any new specializations that your campaign requires 🙂


Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 12
Post Re: some questions and a few bits of errata
on: June 12, 2015, 00:45

According to Barker, there are populations of feral cattle on Tekumel, but only on the other side of the planet from Tsolyanu,and not known to the Five Empires.
You could just replace "Cattle" with "Hma & Hmelu" under the Animal Handling skill, Herding them is a definitely a low status job.
You could I suppose throw in Tsi'il, which are basically six-legged ankylosaurs. They aren't exactly farmed, but they are sometimes kept and raised in very large parks, and then slaughtered for meat. They're slow and passive, but massive and dangerous if they think they are threatened. Catching and killing one would be a big project for a skilled team.

Posts: 427
Post Re: some questions and a few bits of errata
on: June 14, 2015, 08:31

"You could just replace "Cattle" with "Hma & Hmelu" under the Animal Handling skill,"

I'd already added Hma and melu to the errata page: Thanks to the link you shared, I've updated it to remove Cattle as well.

Thanks for the feedback, George!


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