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Author Topic: Ssu Hypnotism and also Biridlu
Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 40
Post Ssu Hypnotism and also Biridlu
on: May 2, 2016, 12:59

Ssu hypnotism (p210) is confusing me a bit:

"12- [INTL+2] vs Magic Defence"

I thought at first this was referring somehow to the target's INTL as a modifier to the "to hit" roll, but this would make the target number far too small. But I'm now wondering, as Grey Ssu all have INTL 10, that it's just explaining how the 12- was arrived at. OTOH, the Black Ssu all have INTL 11, so it would seem that their Hypnosis should be 13- rather than 12-.

Also the Grey Ssu and Black Ssu effects are different, Grey only need a hit vs Magic Defence to immobilise, whereas Black Ssu need to hit and the target then gets to Resist Sorcery. I'm assuming this is intentional!

Biridlu (p172). In earlier versions I think Biridlu were not affected by Chlen weapons at all, but now it seems that they are affected by bludgeoning Chlen weapons (or Chlen edged weapons as PHYS+1 level).

Posts: 427
Post Re: Ssu Hypnotism and also Biridlu
on: May 4, 2016, 00:41

Quote from hemulen on May 2, 2016, 12:59
Ssu hypnotism (p210) is confusing me a bit:

"12- [INTL+2] vs Magic Defence"

I'm now wondering, as Grey Ssu all have INTL 10, that it's just explaining how the 12- was arrived at.

That is correct.

OTOH, the Black Ssu all have INTL 11, so it would seem that their Hypnosis should be 13- rather than 12-. Also the Grey Ssu and Black Ssu effects are different, Grey only need a hit vs Magic Defence to immobilise, whereas Black Ssu need to hit and the target then gets to Resist Sorcery. I'm assuming this is intentional!

Congratulations, you caught a typo 🙂

It's not intentional. The Grey Ssu description of the way the hypnosis ability works is correct, and as you noticed, the Black Ssu should also have a 13-.

Biridlu (p172). In earlier versions I think Biridlu were not affected by Chlen weapons at all, but now it seems that they are affected by bludgeoning Chlen weapons (or Chlen edged weapons as PHYS+1 level).

If I recall correctly, I based the Biridlu resistance to Chlen weapons on the Gardasiyal Bestiary. In general, you'll find that Bethorm follows Barker's more recent depictions of Tekumel, rather than his earliest.


Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 40
Post Re: Ssu Hypnotism and also Biridlu
on: May 4, 2016, 06:33

Ok - makes sense for the Ssu Hypnotism to be standardised. I wasn't sure if it was worded that way to make Black Ssu hypnotism stronger, but I didn't run the numbers to check TBH.

I did look in the Gardasiyal Bestiary but I thought it was worth checking. I think you are right to go with later interpretations, e.g. as Mrur used to regenerate if not burnt in EPT!

[spoiler space]


It was originally a nasty shock when I read High & Dry and saw that there was a Biridlu in there for starting PCs, especially as the Shedra in there don't have steel weapons...


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