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Author Topic: Two-handed swords
Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 14
Post Two-handed swords
on: June 14, 2016, 03:26


Members of the Legion of Red Devastation use two-handed swords.

Looking at the blade weapons listed in Bethorm (page 52), I assume that two-handed swords are:
- Giant Sword.
- Claymore.
- Greatsword*
- Bastard Sword*
* Greatswords and Bastard-swords can be one-handed and two-handed; when used with two hands, we would have to reduce PHYS by 2 points.

Would that be correct?

But then, what would the Red Devastation peeps wield on the battlefield? Claymores feel a bit over the top for medium troops (vs. heavy) engaged in actual fighting, and not parading or guarding.

Posts: 427
Post Re: Two-handed swords
on: June 22, 2016, 17:19

Quote from nofare on June 14, 2016, 03:26

Members of the Legion of Red Devastation use two-handed swords.

Looking at the blade weapons listed in Bethorm (page 52), I assume that two-handed swords are:
- Giant Sword.
- Claymore.
- Greatsword*
- Bastard Sword*
* Greatswords and Bastard-swords can be one-handed and two-handed; when used with two hands, we would have to reduce PHYS by 2 points.

Would that be correct?

Almost any melee weapon can be used one-handed or two-handed under Bethorm's rules; a character with a sufficiently low PHYS might have to wield a 'short sword' in two hands in order to meet its PHYS requirement.

So, if we assume that troopers of the Legion of Red Devastation have above average strength (i.e., a PHYS of 11), then any sword requiring a PHYS of 12 or 13 (the 'bastard sword' or 'greatsword') could serve as its "two handed sword".


Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 14
Post Re: Two-handed swords
on: July 10, 2016, 08:43

Brilliant. Thanks for the reply.

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