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Author Topic: Stats for Alash and Assassin
Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 35
Post Stats for Alash and Assassin
on: June 17, 2016, 23:06

Does any one know how big an Alash snake is and maybe its stats?
Also Human Assassin stats.
I can of course DIM (do it myself), but was just wondering.
I have my players in a prison cell with an assassin who is going to release a trained snake to bit a NPC in the party.


Posts: 427
Post Re: Stats for Alash and Assassin
on: June 22, 2016, 17:30

The closest match for an Alash-snake in the rulebook would probably be a small, non-swimming Chnau.

For an assassin, you could simply take one of the generic sets of human fighter stats and modify their equipment. Personally, I like building unique individual characters as if they were PCs. This always makes them much more interesting!


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