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Author Topic: Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
Posts: 427
Post Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
on: November 7, 2012, 07:44

I've been doing a series of Kickstarter projects to re-create original artwork that I did for TSR back in the day - artwork that was later destroyed to make room in their files. Those who back my projects get signed prints of the new drawings, or even original artwork.

For my latest project (which just launched) I'm re-visiting the drawings I did for M.A.R. Barker's Legions of the Petal Throne painting Guide article way back in Dragon Magazine #6. These were my first professionally published drawings, ever!

Stretch goals include drawings of ALL of the underworld creatures, which were never depicted in the original Empire of the Petal Throne RPG (except for that Thunru'u. maybe). Victor Raymond of the Tekunel Foundation has graciously offered to let me see previously unpublished drawings from Professor Barker's files, for visual reference on these creatures.

Please take a look!

-Jeff Dee

Posts: 427
Post Re: Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
on: November 13, 2012, 09:16

Quick Update:
My Tekumel art project on Kickstarter has met its funding goal, and seven stretch goal drawings are unlocked so far. All of the artwork produced in that project is slated to illustrate the upcoming Bethorm rulebook - which will greatly reduce the funding goal for the game's own Kickstarter project when it launches (hopefully just a few months from now).

-Jeff Dee

Posts: 427
Post Re: Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
on: November 27, 2012, 09:57

Another bonus drawing has been unlocked. Every set of prints now also includes the Tsú'uru (the Illusion-Masters)!

Next in line: Marashyálu (the Whimperers):
"These supernatural creatures of the ancients are set to guard treasure. They are masters of illusion, appearing as children, women, wounded friends, etc., and they weep, imploring help. A saving throw against hypnotism is needed by the nearest 1-6 beings in the party, since this being can captivate this number per combat round. A victim can then be commanded to fight against his own party. If the Marashyálu succeeds in carrying off a victim, it sucks all the soft organs out of his body by inserting a long proboscis into the mouth or other opening. This vicious creature can be driven off by a Protection from Evil/Good spell."

Funding for this project ends at Midnight on Sunday, Dec 2. You can help unlock more bonus drawings by spreading the word to your fellow gamers and Tékumel fans, making a pledge, or raising your pledge level. Thanks so much for all your support!

-Jeff Dee

Posts: 427
Post Re: Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
on: November 27, 2012, 15:45

That was quick! Every set of prints now also includes the new drawing of the Marashyálu (the Whimperers)!

Next in line: Thúnru'u (the Eaters of Eyes):
"This archaic life form dwells now in the Underworld away from the sight of men. The Thúnru'u is somewhat manlike, doughy and blubbery looking, with two saucer-like eyes, a greyish beak, and rolls of skin which hang about it like a robe. They prefer to slay the Káyi but they will attack men in order to eat the eyes, relishing these over any other type of food. They can be repelled by the odour of the aphrodisiac Tsúral buds. Otherwise they always attack human parties. The Thúnru'u is occasionally found as a servitor of a magician, and evil Priest, or even an evil Warrior, since they can be controlled by certain spells and Eyes, etc."

Half of the stretch goals are now unlocked, and we haven't far to go to unlock the Virtual Tabletop Tokens bonus. Lots of original artwork is still available, too. Thanks very much for your continued support! The funding period ends at Midnight on Sunday, December 2nd.

-Jeff Dee

Posts: 427
Post Re: Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
on: November 30, 2012, 19:47

Thanks to all of my wonderful backers, another bonus drawing has been unlocked in my Kickstarter project to re-visit my "Legions of the Petal Throne" illustrations from Dragon Magazine #6. Every set of prints now also includes the new drawing of the Nshé (the Flowing Ones)!

Next in line are the full-color virtual tabletop tokens, plus the Yéleth (the Angels of Doom):

"These androids were created to look like beautiful maidens or handsome youths. They have paper-white skin and hair the colour of polished ebony. Their main weapon is the ability to hypnotise 1-6 beings per combat round (a saving throw against hypnosis is permitted). The victim of a Yéleth can be ordered to fight against his own party, or the creature may simply paralyse him forever. Only an Eye of Healing or a Remove Curse spell can remove this paralysis."

Twelve of the twenty stretch goals are now unlocked. Otuléngba! Lots of original artwork is also still available. Thanks very much for your support! The funding period ends at Midnight this Sunday, December 2nd.

-Jeff Dee

Posts: 427
Post Re: Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
on: December 1, 2012, 23:49

New Stretch Goal Unlocked! Every set of prints now also includes the new drawing of the Qumqúm (the Thunderers)!

Next in line are the Ru'ún (the Demons of Bronze):
"These are animated manlike bronze demon-automotons some seven feet tall. They were set to guard certain certain dimensional nexus points long ago by the ancients and also to watch over various treasures.They are highly intelligent, although they will not communicate with men. Their bodies are covered with a fine network of hair-thin wires which impart a powerful electric shock. They fight with a sword in one hand-like appendage and a kind of throwing device in the other which casts steel bolts 30 feet. The Ru'ún obeys only the "Incomparable Eye of Command" and the Amulet of Ruling the Ru'ún (and the creature is allowed a saving throw against these). The Ru'ún can also see invisible planes and hear sounds inaudible even to Pé Chói; it cannot thus be surprised."

Fifteen of the twenty stretch goals are now unlocked; can we go the distance? Lots of original artwork remains available as well. Thanks very much for your continued support! The funding period ends at Midnight this Sunday, December 2nd.

-Jeff Dee

Posts: 427
Post Re: Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
on: December 3, 2012, 09:41

The Tekumel Art Kickstarter closed at midnight last night, with 18 of its 20 stretch goals achieved. Otuléngba! I'm feeling pretty drained, but deeply gratified by the outpouring of support. I can't wait to get started!

Here is some happy and triumphant yet nerdy music to celebrate:

-Jeff Dee

Posts: 427
Post Re: Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
on: December 11, 2012, 11:56

The finished bonus drawing of the Hra from my Dragon #6 / Legions of the Petal Throne art Kickstarter project is now on DeviantArt:

In later books (after EPT), Professor Barker revealed that Hra come in several different configurations. So I've included a short, squat one and a tall one. I'm also trying to incorporate elements of the Professor's art style into these illustrations...

Next up is the Priest of Vimuhla!

Posts: 427
Post Re: Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
on: December 13, 2012, 12:01

The new Priest of Vimúhla drawing is now on DeviantArt! This is a 're-visitation' (rather then an exact re-creation) of one of my drawings from Professor M.A.R. Barker's 'Legions of the Petal Throne Painting Guide' article in Dragon Magazine #6. I've incorporated details from visual reference provided by the Tékumel Foundation, and updated the pose a bit:

Next up is the bonus drawing of the Thunru'ú (Eater of Eyes)!

Posts: 427
Post Re: Tékumel Art Kickstarter Project
on: December 24, 2012, 13:24

The bonus drawing of the Mrúr from MAR Barker's Tekumel / Empire of the Petal Throne is now on DeviantArt!

I said this one was going to be the Dlaqó, but I wasn't able to determine (yet) which of Professor Barker's drawings were meant to depict that creature. I'll return to the Dlaqó after that question gets resolved. Next up is the Priest of Hrü'ü!

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