Second Shot: Our Sad Tale of Woe!
by Talzhemir Mrr, edited by Jeff Dee
Recap: Our characters' cousin was to be executed in a month if sufficient Inducements could not be raised. The days were slipping by without promise so they were getting more desperate. (We use a print-out of a month of the Tsolyani calendar to record the events. Five six-day weeks. One experience point per week survived; one Advantage point for lasting the month.)
The random city encounter tables (based on Professor Barkers' original city encounters) said the one hiring us was taking some sort of illicit action, perhaps on some kind of covert mission, and we were not informed. Only the ask-no-questions nature of the mission let us ask such an enormous fee.
For this encounter, I made a secret sketch of where the bad guys were, and Jeff had charge of the PC's movement. So I was a quasi-GM, revealing things as we found out IC (In Character).
Béthorm uses miniatures EXTENSIVELY because the rules care about missile range, cover, zone-of-control, who gets hit by an attack gone badly awry, and so forth. Every PC has to look different. Here, our players are represented by Tyranids. Talzy truly needs Pe Choi minis.
Attempting to scale the wall, my sorceress succeeded but Jeff's warrior was delayed. As the odd turn of phrase puts it, that's when "things went pear-shaped". Ladders placed around the interior allowed our opponents to get up on the wall. My character was swarmed on, and went down. (That's a set of Ral Partha 'Warriors of the World' playing the enemies.)
After a desperate battle, eventually Jeff's character was defeated, too. In a game with a GM, this might have been fudged to let our heroes live. As this is still one of our first experiments with GM-free tabletop RP, and we had never had the need for anything of that sort, so our characters were ignominiously slain.
We never found out if we were in the service of a person with sinister or heroic motives. If we had lived, we would have used Orical to query which. So the last part of our tragedy will be, we'll never know what that was all about.
In future, I think we'll opt-in to a plot assumption that the player characters only die if the players truly want them to...