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Author Topic: Any Vampire like...
Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 35
Post Any Vampire like...
on: November 24, 2015, 06:13

Does Tekumel, have any vampire like creatures or race.
I thought there was something, that I had read awhile ago, but looking through the Bestiary I could not find anything.
Needs to be intelligent, not just a animal.


Posts: 427
Post Re: Any Vampire like...
on: November 25, 2015, 21:55

The closest thing would be the Jajgi. They're the highest form of undead. But they don't bite people, or suck blood, or infect others. They're simply immortal.


Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 35
Post Re: Any Vampire like...
on: November 26, 2015, 03:36

Will take a read.


Dlántü (Clan-Head)
Posts: 133
Post Re: Any Vampire like...
on: November 27, 2015, 09:35

If you want them, Your Tekumel can certainly have them. Create it! Share what you come up with, too. Have fun!

Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 17
Post Re: Any Vampire like...
on: November 29, 2015, 21:59

This is from The Blue Room Archives. There is some information about vampires on Tekumel. You will have to go through the whole thing though. Enjoy...

ChrisW :0)

Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 35
Post Re: Any Vampire like...
on: November 30, 2015, 04:57

My general impression is; not really. Some sort of life sucking demon maybe...


Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 17
Post Re: Any Vampire like...
on: December 1, 2015, 00:13

You could have...Hehellukoi Vlad hiDraku, Jajgi of the latter days...Who has a fetish for sucking blood left over from when he was among the living!!! Not sure if the name was in the archives(must be). I came across it somewhere on the net. I have it on my Tekumel Name list that I keep for just in case!!!

CW :0)

Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 35
Post Re: Any Vampire like...
on: December 1, 2015, 01:59

Yes he/it was mentioned.
Just nosing around for some inspiration to start a game.
I did just hit on the idea of converting the AD&D adventure; Rod of Seven Part', its in my collection.
But I never run that game so don't know how good it is.
I only have one player at the moment. We have gamed Tekumel before. Last week I asked him what he would like to do and he mentioned some sort of travel campaign to explore different parts of the setting.
Hence; Rod and I was looking briefly at some CoC campaigns; Masks of Nyarlathotep and Eternal Lies. But they might have needed a bit of work to convert. And that is the crux of the problem, I am self employed with limited time. Give me a Tekumel Adventure Path like Pathfinder and that would be brilliant.
Get it funded on Kickstarter...


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