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Author Topic: One-shot report & question
Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 14
Post One-shot report & question
on: July 18, 2016, 11:58


I ran a one-shot over the weekend, using the Béthorm rules, of course.

Inspired by reports describing one Patrick Brady's Shédra one-shots, I had my players wake up as such creatures (although ones still with some memories of their past lives) in the middle of a small battlefield.

Their mission? Bring their master, a Sárku sorcerer, to safety, mainly by saving him from marauding Red Devastation legionnaires, and a group of Chnéhl that had established themselves in a ruined structure hiding a deeply-buried tubeway car station.

Things went well for everybody it seems, and now the players are eager to go back to Tékumel, this time with their own characters.

The group was particularly impressed by Béthorm's system, I must say, finding it easy to use and understand. They marveled that such a simple yet robust system, based solely on the use of one or two D10, could be devised.

We only had one quibble: initiative. Although combat was easy and fast, rolling initiative became a bit of a slog: players would often end up with similar initiative results, which would then force them to roll one more time (as they had similar DEFT scores) ... on top of their foes rolling initiative too and getting similar results.

Any tips on how one might deal with such situation, and somewhat expedite the roll initiative phase?

Posts: 427
Post Re: One-shot report & question
on: July 22, 2016, 10:50

Here's a quick fix that will speed things along:

1) Multiply each character's three initiative numbers by 10. So instead of 1/2/3, a character would have 10/20/30.

2) Roll for low/medium/high as usual to select an initiative number, but then add the die roll to that result. For example, if a character with 1/2/3 initiative rolls a 7, they go on phase 27.

3) The remaining initiative rules are unchanged.

Whatever you do, *don't* just roll initiative once at the start of the combat and then have everybody act on that same phase every round for the duration of the fight. That will break things.

Hope this helps,

Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 14
Post Re: One-shot report & question
on: July 22, 2016, 12:13

Love it.
Thanks very much.

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