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Author Topic: Perception Checks & Ssu Hypnosis
Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 6
Post Perception Checks & Ssu Hypnosis
on: October 30, 2016, 11:19

For scent, taste and touch perception checks, what kind of check is it? There's no skill like we have with Listen and Search, so should you use the PHYS attribute?

How does Ssu hypnosis work? The ability reads "12 - [INTL + 2] to hit vs. Magic Defense." But if we assume an average human (and PCs are always going to better than average) with INTL of 8 and 0 Magic Defense, the Ssu still has a to hit of only 2 on the 2d10 roll! For anyone with PC-like stats, it will be 0 or in the negatives. I know it's not a strong ability, but this seems very weak. Am I interpreting it wrong, or is there some kind of typo in the book?

Posts: 427
Post Re: Perception Checks & Ssu Hypnosis
on: November 3, 2016, 19:36

Perception checks are always made on INTL (see 8.3, on p. 83)

Grey Ssu Hypnosis has a 12- to hit vs. Magic Defense. The [INTL+2] merely explains where their 12- chance to hit comes from. We wanted to include that so GMs can adjust for smarter or dumber Ssu.

Hope that helps!

Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 6
Post Re: Perception Checks & Ssu Hypnosis
on: November 5, 2016, 10:05

Yes, that clears things up. The sentence for the Ssu might be better as "12 (or [INTL + 2]) to hit vs. Magic Defense."

With perception checks, when it said to use INTL with a -1 penalty if they lack the appropriate skill, I thought it was still just referring to the Search, Listen or Insight skills referred to earlier in the sentence. I'll use the straight INTL for scent, touch and taste.

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