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Author Topic: The Tékumel world
Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 14
Post The Tékumel world
on: October 8, 2014, 15:52


Got the Pdf and am planning to get a printed copy of the book as soon as it's made available.

Although I haven't gone through the whole book yet (it's huge!), I can't help but notice that it's light on all things Tékumel, as regards description of the society itself, or the planet's geography. There are tidbits throughout the text, sure, but no dedicated chapters that would help players new to Barker's world get a thorough sense of its vaunted exoticism and unique color.

Are there plans to expend that aspect of the game in future publications? Why not include such details in the current book?

Posts: 427
Post Re: The Tékumel world
on: October 9, 2014, 08:46

Welcome, nofare!

As stated in section 1.3:
"A vast amount of additional Tékumel source material has been published over the years, and it would be impossible to include it all within this volume. Nor is it necessary to know everything about Tékumel before you can play. This rulebook is intended to provide a broad overview of the most important details - enough information to get any group started without much fuss, and without the danger of getting any of the ‘important’ things ‘wrong’. The GM can introduce other details like the Aspects of the gods, Shámtla blood-money, the cultures of foreign lands, and so on if or when they wish to."

Also, Section 20.3:
"Official products from M.A.R. Barker’s World of Tékumel are available as PDFs through DriveThruRPG:"

Besides all of the material that's already available, UNIGames does indeed plan to publish additional material. First up will be our Kurt Hills Map Set and Gazetteer, describing the region around Katalal and the Kurt Hills down to a scale of 9 km per hex. We're also working on a small supplement focusing on slavery in Tsolyanu, with tons of pre-generated NPC slaves. And there's much more to come after that.

Hope that helps!

-Jeff Dee

Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 14
Post Re: The Tékumel world
on: October 11, 2014, 04:41

Wonderful. Looking forward to the supplements.
I must say though that there are indeed plenty of details already tucked in the book's pages. Enough to start and do well.

Note: you must be commended for your clear, practical, and well thought-out chapter on Gender. It totally fits the Tekumel universe, of course, but I also can't help but think that such a chapter should become standard in all RPGs!

Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 33
Post Re: The Tékumel world
on: October 11, 2014, 09:23

If you can find one a copy of the Swords and Glory Sourcebook is what you need. It was going to be re-published in three parts by Different Worlds, but part 3 never appeared. Tita's eventually published it. It turns it not infrequently I've found, though I can only speak for the UK.
It has everything - history, gods, world, cultures, races, weapons, food, drink, drugs etc. People have been threatening to turn it into a PDF for years but it's still not available as one yet.

Posts: 427
Post Re: The Tékumel world
on: October 11, 2014, 11:28

I have it on good authority that the Tekumel Foundation is gearing up to re-release a TON of previously published Tekumel material, some in PDF, some in print. I know this because they were kind enough to send me a PDF of the Sourcebook, which looks absolutely great. And is *searchable*, which adds a ton of extra awesome.


Dlántü (Clan-Head)
Posts: 133
Post Re: The Tékumel world
on: October 12, 2014, 07:40

Excellent! I scanned the Tita House of Games version for my own use. It will be nice to see a better version than their hand-scanned reprint.

Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 33
Post Re: The Tékumel world
on: October 12, 2014, 09:45

Well I certainly hope they do. A searchable PDFs version! If the timings right then that could help your game as well. What's not to like.

Nakomé (Clanless)
Posts: 20
Post Re: The Tékumel world
on: October 13, 2014, 09:29

Yay! I've been wondering about the TF's status for their re-release plans, good to hear it's progressing.

I have a small collection of Tekumel material but I think that reprints/EPUBs of the novels, for example, would expand the fanbase. Rulebooks and supplements are fine, but a lot of the flavour of Tekumel is easier to pick up from the novels, IMO. The Tekumel sourcebook is a great resource, but it's very dense material, akin to the CIA World Factbook for Tekumel. That said it's probably indispensable for a long-term game in Tekumel—until a similar sourcebook is released, anyway.

Dlántü (Clan-Head)
Posts: 133
Post Re: The Tékumel world
on: October 14, 2014, 11:39

My attention was just called to this less-than-positive review of Bethorm.

The author clearly had expectations that have not been met. I'll leave it to others to judge his expectations.

Nurtsáhlu (Clan-Brother)
Posts: 33
Post Re: The Tékumel world
on: October 14, 2014, 15:51

I can only suggest he hasn't tried to play the game, he's just skim read it. "this is no friendly introduction to the game world, coaxing you in with a flavoursome and evocative mix of text story and illustrations". I really hate RPG rules that clog up the page with coloured images behind text, and bloody irrelevant stories put it to up the page count (Shadowrun I'm looking at you). I think Bethorm has one of the better introductions of most RPG rules that I've read in recent years. Oh and I need another introduction to Tekumel like I need a hole in the head. There are loads of free stuff in the internet that can do that, like
And..........I'll shut up now and try and calm down.

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