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Author Topic: Session Report
Posts: 427
Post Session Report
on: May 12, 2015, 18:52

In last week's Bethorm session, my gaming group played through my character Gutenu's wedding. Talzhemir was the GM. The in-game event was held at the Wayhouse of the Blue Stone, on the road north from Katalal to the School of Calligraphy. We were given the option to go either armored or in fancy dress, the GM emphasizing the heat of Tekumel's midday sun. As the groom, and as a ritual priest (rather than a warrior) of the Temple of Hrihayal (the Dancing Maiden of Temptation), I opted for the latter.

My character's betrothal was arranged by our clans, and her nickname "The Viper" led many to believe that our marriage without passion. But I am pleased to report that, after getting to know her, Gutenu is actually quite happy with the arrangement. Her cold exterior hides a secret passion, and an excellent mind for business.

We were, of course, attacked by creatures from the forest the moment the ceremony was completed. While not technically a warrior, Gutenu fancies himself a swordsman - so he leaped into the fray, and quickly fell thanks to his lack of armor. Only the swift intervention of my adopted son Iskiuz (he's from Livyanu, played by Denis Sustare) saved me from being dragged off and eaten.

All in all, it was an eventful evening!


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